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CMYK stands for the basic colors—cyan, magenta, yellow and black—used in four-color printing. CMYK files are the ones needed for printing business cards, brochures, stationery, etc.

RGB stands for red, green and blue—the primary colors of light that can be combined in different ways to make all other colors. RGB files are used online, on websites, social media, banners, etc.

PMS stands for Pantone Matching System—a color standardization system that helps in color identification and matching. It uses the Pantone Guide numbering system to identify colors (there are 3026 to choose from), helping manufacturers or any other parties/stakeholders in different locations match colors without having to contact one another.

A vectorized file is a design technique that uses lines instead of pixels to create a design. The most common vectorized file formats today are AI, EPS, PDF or SVG. With this technique, you can scale the design as big or as small as you require without losing resolution. Some of the advantages of vector files include: lighter file sizes (by avoiding blocks of pixels, vector files tend to be more lightweight than raster images such as photos, which can feature lots of camera data), plenty of design features (shapes, text, different colors, and filters can be added to create unique illustrations and designs—plus, you can easily go back and edit over and over again), among others.

It is a flawless, error-free file that is ready to print (card, label, brochure design) or to be applied to an original, such as a logo.

AI stands for Adobe Illustrator—a native vector-based graphics editing software commonly used in print and digital graphic media such as logos, stationery, etc. The easy scalability of this file makes it a popular choice among graphic designers. It allows for transparency, and it is a great starting place for creating web graphics that need to layer on top of different backgrounds.

EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript, one of the oldest vector graphic formats. These files don’t support the transparency of more modern file formats like AI.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is a file created by Adobe Acrobat, or another application, used for saving documents in a standard format that can be viewed on multiple platforms.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics—an XML-based format (a metalanguage that allows users to define their own markup languages and structure). Files saved as SVG are useful because users can display documents on the web. They can be indexed, searched, and scripted.

PSD stands for Photoshop Document. It is an Adobe Photoshop file in which image information is structured in separate layers. This means that any change made on an element or image will only affect the active layer without affecting the rest.

An editable file is a digital file to edit text that can be easily changed or edited, i.e. an AI file or a layered PSD.

It is a file which only allows users to view; but changes, such as deletions, overwrites or edits of any kind cannot be made; for example, a JPG, a PNG, a PSD, or an AI file with the font converted to outline, etc.